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WOT: Nursery Improvements

Feb 18, 2016

Today's WOT (Working on Things) is about our little nursery.  There are a lot of things I love about it.  It's the smallest room in the house (which is saying a lot, because all the bedrooms are small), but I think it's organized well enough and the furniture is placed right.  I put this all together three years ago before the birth of our second baby, my first son. We didn't find out the gender of our third baby until he was born seven months ago, and I was relieved that I hadn't changed a thing beforehand in the nursery.  Even if it was a girl though, I would have largely kept things the same.  (It could always be a cowgirl room, right?)


Some things I love: 

1) Red Dresser.  I bought it for $15 from Salvation Army, did a crazy amount of work sanding, priming, sanding, painting, and glossing it, and added new hardware (that cost probably 4X the price of the dresser).  It was a work of love, but I do love it.

2) Art work: Both of my grandpas were cowboys/farmers, so this room is an ode to them.  I bought the large piece from eBay for $15 and framed it with an on-sale frame from Joann's Fabric.  The watercolor cowboy was also on eBay.  I actually feel bad about it, because I bid $5 thinking there's no way I'd get it, and I did.  It's a real watercolor, so beautiful, and I feel pained for the artist who obviously worked hard at it.  I've decided if I get rich when Brad writes his best seller, I'll go back and bid $200 for the same artist.  (Get on it, Brad!) Its frame is from Goodwill.  The picture with the silver frame was actually a set-piece from our friend who was the lead in War Horse.  He wrote a little note on it and gave it to us when we came to see his performance in San Francisco.  It's very special to us.  Its frame is from Joann's as well, originally with a three-picture mat that I simply sliced out the dividers.  The three red-framed pieces are sketches I found of my Dad's.  My parents brought me a few boxes from home with the last of my old things, and these sketches were in there.  I cut them to size for these frames from Ikea.  The next time my folks came to visit, they were shocked to see them--they thought they were lost.  Oops!  I was happy that they let me keep them in the end.  (Sorry, siblings!)

3) Crib: This is an Ikea crib that the manager of my OB's doctor office just gave to me.  She was so generous!  I was simply talking to her about moving from our one-bedroom apartment to a house, and how we had to go get a new crib in addition to other furniture; I think she could tell I was feeling pretty overwhelmed.  She had a crib in her house for when her grandson came to visit, but he had outgrown it.  When we came to collect the crib, she also gave us a bassinet and a side table.  I love good people! (Side note: My mom made that blanket and it is my very favorite thing in the room.  Should have gotten a close-up!)
Some things that will need to be changed:
1) White curtains.  These came with the house, and while I like the white, they were fairly dated (probably at least 40 years old), and, well, they're white!  Light goes right through them.  I bought some black denim fabric a few weeks ago, so i'm going to clip that fabric to the back until I find some new ones or make some.  I'll be on the hunt!  (Ikea will be my first visit.)

2) Mobile.  It took me WEEKS to make that paper mobile.  I had to cut out each circle, poke a hole, thread it onto some invisible thread, knot it, smash a bead over the knot, glue it, and do that over and over. Seriously, it was a task, especially because the circles kept ripping.  My middle child took great pleasure the past year in slowly destructing it while "sleeping."  I've saved all the paper circles and I plan on simply sewing them into straight lines and restoring it.  

3) Rocker.  I know the rocker looks nice, and I do feel sentimental about it.  We bought it off of Craigslist for $100 before our oldest was born.  There are some small holes in the back's fabric and I'm not crazy about the color; both are things I can happily ignore.  BUT, I hate how it rocks.  You sit in it, and the back smashes into the windows behind it.  I'm sure we are "this close" to my kids actually cracking the windows.  When you rock, it goes all over the room.  It makes middle of the night feedings difficult as I'm rocking all over the place and I eventually have to stand up and replace it, so as to not smash into the windows.  I'm sure I can sell it for at least $100 on Craigslist.  Once I do that, I'm on the hunt for a glider.  My friend has an amazing one from Walmart, but it's still more than I'm wanting to pay.  I'll search for a while first, but if we end up having to dish out and get a new one, at least I'll know that I really tried.
Some things that will eventually need to be taken care of:

1) Rug.  This was another rugsusa find, like the other 2 of 3 giant rugs in my house.  I loved it initially, but it stains so, so easily.  The white pattern is raised from the rest of the rug and it looks filthy, despite us being a no-shoes household and me spot-cleaning it. (Don't let this photo fool you; the rug really is gross.)  I'll give it another six months to year of getting trashed, all the while looking for a replacement.
2) Chest.  We keep all the dress-ups in this wooden chest Brad's parents passed on to us.  It's lovely, but it's falling apart.  Wood pieces are literally breaking off daily, mostly thanks to the kids constantly playing with what's inside.  Also, it's taking up some room.  I'd like to replace it with a round storage ottoman, one on the smaller side.  
3) Addition: Toddler Bed.  We are thinking it would be wise to eventually move R into this room with his baby brother.  I can't do it now because he still doesn't understand how to be soft with Baby D.  If they shared a room, I'm 100% certain I'll come in the middle of the night to see R in the crib with the baby, smothering him with love. However, CJ and R (two oldest) do better with some space and right now, they have none, especially since they currently share a room.  I really don't know where I'd place a bed, so I'm even thinking of having a small, thin, but firm mattress that we can slide in and out from under the crib.  I seriously don't know if that will work, but it may have to do!  Poor R seems to always get the shaft, but I'm sure the boys will eventually enjoy being in the same room.  CJ will absolutely enjoy the breathing room.  Luckily, there's a tall skinny dresser in the closet that I can use for their clothes.

4) Banners.  I just don't really know how I feel about them...  They might be too bright or circusy for my taste, but they were free to make as they were created from fabrics scraps.  I might eventually take them down and replace them with some more muted fabrics, or even graphic letters.
In a week or so, I'll share the room that R and CJ share!  If you have any leads on my above issues, please share.