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Supporting Loved Ones through Faith Crises (+ Questions You Wanted Answered) || with Brad Packer

faith marriage Oct 14, 2018

How would you respond to your spouse, friend, or sibling who express serious doubts about their faith?

Brad Packer--Monica's husband--is on the show today to share what this was like for him.  He answers:

How he knew something was wrong.

What he felt about Monica's struggles.

How he supported her.

Why he sticks with his faith.


Additionally, Monica and Brad go through some Q&A submitted by the listeners, including how they are raising their children in the LDS faith, what resources have been helpful, what other issues are part of Monica's faith crises struggle, and more.


You can listen the interview below, or on iTunesSoundcloudStitcherPocketcastsGoogleplay, or search for “About Progress” wherever you get your podcasts.  If you like the show please share it, subscribe, and leave a review!!


Show Notes

Prior posts on my faith: here, here, and here

All the Books that have helped me

Instagram, Facebook group, and website mentioned that were helpful resources and support

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