Special Episode: Navel-Gazing, At Its Finest! (AKA: Q&A!)
Oct 06, 2018Hi friends! We've made it to 50 podcast episodes. Woohoo!! I am so thrilled about this, and grateful for those of you who have been with me from the beginning and just as grateful for the rest of you are are new to my podcast.
You were kind enough to send in questions for this particular episode: things that you wanted to know about me, the podcast, my parenting, eating, children, where I live (and why), and more.
This episode was super fun to record because I did it with my sister-in-law, Emily. But it's painful for me to listen to because it's seriously a huge exercise in obsessing over myself. Also, it went much longer than I had anticipated.
If this is just as painful for you, I get it! We'll be back to our regular programming next Wednesday. Otherwise, I'd love to hear about some of YOUR answers to these same questions. Let's connect more! You can comment here or on my Instagram and Facebook, @aboutprogress.
Thanks so much for your support!
You can listen to this podcast below, or on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Googleplay, or search for "About Progress" wherever you get your podcasts. If you like the show, please subscribe and leave reviews!!
Show Notes:
People I recommended you follow: The Listening Ear Projects, Talk Wordy to Me, Thriving Motherhood, and Julie In Real Life
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Song Credit: "Sweet Promise" by Nicolai Heidlas