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Controlling Your Inner Critic (+how you can start!) || with Nancy Jane Smith

creativity do something growth spurt habits identity perfectionism podcast purpose relationships Dec 19, 2018

Many of us suffer from a runaway train-brain.  We have good intentions to work on our thoughts and mindset, but it can be so difficult to break long-practiced patterns and start anew.

Nancy Jane Smith is a certified counselor or expert on how to shift your inner critic (she nicknamed it, "the monger") into your "biggest fan."  Where she wants you to start?  By acknowledging and actually feeling our emotions.

This is the key to everything!  Nancy explain why and how you can do this to move forward to a much happier version of your life.

You can listen the interview below, or on iTunesSoundcloudStitcherPocketcastsGoogleplay, or search for “About Progress” wherever you get your podcasts.  If you like the show please share it, subscribe, and leave a review!!

Show Notes

Nancy's website, book, and podcast

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Song Credit: "Sweet Promise" and "Warm Lights" by Nicolai Heidlas