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How Do You Get Into Rock Climbing || with Sarah Berry Carpenter

how do you podcast Oct 26, 2022


Is there something that has made you think other people can do that, but not me? This is part of a monthly series to convince you otherwise.


These episodes feature real women from this community who are answering the question "How do you...?" about their various passions and pursuits. Today's episode features my friend, Sarah, and whether rock climbing is something you are curious about or not, she will inspire you to pursue (or find) your own passion.


Her unique story actually starts with heartbreak and, with some real bravery, turns into hope. It's about getting outside of your comfort zone, finding something that excites you, and even making new connections. Maybe that won't be rock climbing for you, but it's time to figure out what your version of rock climbing can be.


About a few other things...


Do you struggle to create habits that stick? It's not your fault. The truth is simple: you've been trying to form habits using methods designed for perfect robots--not real women living real lives. It's time to change that. If I could help you gain confidence in creating habits AND guide you to uncover the ONE supportive habit to deeply care for yourself, could you commit 21 days to learning this method? The Sticky Habit Method is a 21-day course that revolutionizes the habit-formation process. It's real habits for real women.


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My NEW Habit Course
Foundational course, “Finding Me.”
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Songs Credit: Pleasant Pictures Music Club