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How Do You Become a Poet || with Nishi Patel

creativity how do you podcast Aug 24, 2022


Nishi Patel is a Progressor, just like you, who I've had the pleasure of getting to know through this community and my membership group. Nishi has shared her poetry over the years, but most recently has published a beautiful book of poems.


Tune in to hear how she got her start with writing (admittedly not her best subject!), from recipes to journaling, and now poetry. Once she had the spark ignited, she added poetry to her own "Do Something" list and it became an emotional outlet. If this is something that makes you curious, she encourages you to just get started, and let go of the "shoulds." She also has some practical how-to's that can jumpstart your own writing journey!



About a few other things...


Reclaim your creative power and rediscover who you actually are! If you’re ready to come back home to yourself, to be able to say that you know who you are and what matters to you, take my foundation course, “Finding Me.” It’s OK that you’ve lost parts of yourself along the way; but as you learn to anchor back into who you are and align your life to what matters to you, you’ll find that you have more strength, more fulfilment, and more creativity to bring to your important roles and responsibilities.


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Nishi's Instagram, Book, Poetry Club
My upcoming FREE Class
My NEW Habit Course
Foundational course, “Finding Me.”
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Songs Credit: Pleasant Pictures Music Club