1. Art Workbook for Children // 2. Fearless Mom’s Workbook (some of the books/materials referenced came from her + SUCH a great resource on allll the types of homeschooling and curriculum) // 3. Sam Kelly’s Wonder School Guide (some of the books/materials referenced came from her + love her weekly schedule and whole philosophy) // 4. Moleskin Classic Notebook // 5. Read Aloud Family // 6. Composition Books // 7. Gel Pens // 8. More organizer bags, variety (use for legos, too) // 9. Organizer bags for games and flash cards // 10. Big White Board // 11. Book Sling Shelves we have two!
Check out the rest of the posts in the COVID School Series:
Your Complete Guide to Homeschool, Our Homeschooling Baselines and Routines, Why We Are Homeschooling This Year
Click the images for complete lists of resources!
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