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Food: How to Use It, Not Abuse it; Part TWO (with special focus on Intuitive Eating and Flexible Dieting)

Sep 29, 2017

Surprise!  I have a bonus episode for you this week, and it's Part Two of my series on Food: How to Use it, Not Abuse it.  Cultivating a healthy relationship with food has been a huge part of the work I've done on myself the past 11 years.  I'm still focusing on it every day, but I see the improvements I have made that have made it all well worth it.  I hope to inspire that in others, too!

Part One is here, and there we spent a lot of time talking about what it LOOKS like to have a poor relationship with food and what you can begin to do about it.  This episode--Part Two--involves more discussion on specific methods, both of which incorporate embracing a the "grey," ridding ourselves of black-and-white thinking, and moving towards natural moderation with how we view and eat food.

The primary focus overall is Intuitive Eating, which is my very favorite eating philosophy.  You can find the book here, and I'd definitely start with that; but I do recommend a coach if you are in the throes of trying to figure this out.  I can recommend Elizabeth Dall and Stephanie Webb, both of whom are experts on this topic.  Elizabeth is the primary Intuitive Eating expert for this episode, but Stephanie was the main expert for the last episode on this topic.  (See their contact information below.)

The second method is "Flexible Dieting," or also known as counting macros.  Amber Brueseke is our expert on this, because not only does she know her stuff, but her whole goal is to move her clients towards Intuitive Eating.  In essence, she wants to work herself out of a job.

I know you'll enjoy this candid, helpful episode.  Please let me know what you got out of it, and share it with those who you feel will benefit from it.

You can listen to this podcast below, or on iTunesSoundcloudStitcherPocketcastsGoogleplay, or search for "About Progress" wherever you get your podcasts.  If you like the show, please subscribe and leave reviews!!

Show Notes:
Part ONE here
Elizabeth's Instagram, Facebook, and website
Amber's Instagram, Facebook, and website
Past interview with AMBER
Stephanie's Instagram and Website
Intuitive Eating book (HIGHLY RECOMMEND!)
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Song Credit: "Sweet Promise" by Nicolai Heidlas