Fake It Til You Make It
May 24, 2017I heard this quote a few weekends ago from Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife's workshop I attended. I had already been working on this podcast and it gave me that serendipitous lightbulb moment I so love. (Sidenote: each special themed podcast that I create, inspiration for that very theme is suddenly all around me. It's pretty nuts!)
If you deny what is within you--your hopes, your dreams, your gifts, your capabilities, even your self-love--you're going to lose yourself. Ain't that the truth?
For me, in order to find those things and dare to reach for them, I've had to use the mantra, "Fake It 'Till You Make It."
"Faking" to me doesn't mean lying--it means TRYING. It means proving to myself that I can be better, that I can be stronger; it's about proving myself wrong (and sometimes, someone else:).
Let me tell you the most important lesson in this: the destination truly doesn't matter to me as much as that trying. Even if you don't "make it," you are making YOU.
Even trying increases my confidence, my capabilities, and sets my life further along the path I'm hoping for. So, celebrate what you've attempted, what you've learned, and how you've grown. You might not get to the end goal that you want. But that's not the point.
The point is how you're bringing out what is within you.
I share more on this topic in my podcast, including examples from my own life as well as stories from listeners who chimed in to share their own stories.
You can listen to this podcast below, or on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Googleplay, or search for "About Progress" wherever you get your podcasts. If you like the show, please subscribe!!
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Link to Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife's online course
RadioLab on lying (can't remember which!): here or here
Past Podcast mentioned with Courtney Rich
Past Podcast mentioned with Amber Brueseke
Past Podcast mentioned with Meg Miles
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