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Do Something: Tomboy to Girly Chic

Aug 17, 2017

Always in a hurry... Can you spot the cookie in this photo?!

Almost three years ago, I cut off my hair.  As in, almost all of it.

I had thought about a cute pixie cut for years and a combination of things (postnatal hair loss, bad home-dye jobs) made me finally pull the trigger.  I have about three photos of that pixie which I think was indicative of how cute I reallllly felt.  It was a very cute cut, but one which I think will suit me best in about another 30 years:) But even if it wasn't my "forever" haircut that I loved to pieces, I was A-OK with it because I hated my hair that much before chopping it off, I had wanted to cross that hairstyle of my bucket list, and I've never been good at doing my hair in the first place.

Plus, short hair reflected the style I usually drift to: masculine.

I like a lot of masculine clothing: flat shoes (including sneakers, oxfords, chacos, and at best, very short wedges--I own maybe 1-2 pairs of heels, that are never worn), blazers, button-up shirts, grandpa-cardigans, muted colors (including lots of navy blue), t-shirts and jeans, minimalist accessories, and, in general, loose over form-fitting.  But I also love beautiful, classic clothing--and earrings!  So if I were to nail it down, my typical style would be called, "Tomboy Chic," as I usually do a lot of masculine with some feminine touches.

That's why this "Do Something" challenge was fun for me, to participate in a fashion series where the goal is "Girly Chic!"  Here is our inspiration photo from Stevie Henderson:


 And here's my interpretation:


Aiming for a more feminine look was a good push for me.  You've seen this skirt before, but I would typically pair it with a loose, deep blue top or a chambray button down.  Inspired by Stevie Henderson's light pink top, I pushed myself to pair the skirt with something pink AND more form fitting. This striped shirt is literally the only one I have with that right color of pink, but I was nervous about the stripes.

Thankfully, last week one of my favorite instagrammers, Cardigan Empire, posted a picture of her wearing the same skirt, but with a blue striped top.  It was SO, so chic!  I wouldn't have thought of it myself, but I loved doing some pattern mixing.

To add a little more Girly to the chic, I wore the chandelier earrings I bought for my sister's wedding that's coming up in just a few weeks.  (I'm so sorry, but because I refuse to buy anything besides clearance, those exact earrings are gone from J. Crew's website...) And those shoes?  My sister convinced me to get them from the Rack a few weeks ago and they are much easier to walk in than they look.  They are just the right amount of outside-my-comfort-zone, I really do love them, and they were $30.


What's your go-to style?  Two other bloggers are posting on the girly-chic look, so follow the links below to check them out!  And if you'd like to participate, please check out our host's sign up link here.

Chelsea from TESSA MARIE // Kiana from Glitter & Donuts