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Coping with Your Silent Struggles || with Erin Shepard of Yarrow Therapy

mental health podcast Oct 16, 2018

For many of us, we suffer in silence due to shame.  For others, it's because our struggles are connected to someone else's choices that we can't publicly share.  For all of us, there are still ways to cope better with the quiet trials we face.

Erin Shepard of Yarrow Therapy has faced silent suffering in her own life due to chronic illness, and she often counsels people who do, too. In this episode, hear how to better cope with your trials, overcome shame where needed, and seek confidential guidance and support even when you can't have your trials be so publicly known.  Erin also speaks to the importance of self-care, setting limits, giving yourself small things to aspire to, and establishing gratitude in place of bitterness.


You can listen the interview below, or on iTunesSoundcloudStitcherPocketcastsGoogleplay, or search for “About Progress” wherever you get your podcasts.  If you like the show please share it, subscribe, and leave a review!!

Show Notes:

Erin's Website, Instagram, and Facebook 

Last weeks' episodes with on How to Be Healthy for the Right Reasons, and our Do Something Highlight

Progress Program!!!  Doors for application are open for just a few more weeks

Song Credit: "Sweet Promise" and "Warm Lights" by Nicolai Heidlas