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Big 5 Giveaway!!!!

blog giveaway Oct 28, 2021

It's our big 5 year anniversary, and we are celebrating in a BIG way, too!!!

For details on our month of giveaways and one. BIG. grand. prize., scroll on.





When I started my podcast now 5 years ago, I seriously couldn't wrap my head around making it a single year, let alone 5.


But, we made it.




Yes, I said "we." I could not have made it this far without you.


Every time you listened, it mattered. Every time you left a review, it mattered. Every time you shared the show with a friend, it mattered.




It mattered to me, but it also mattered to the show. Because of YOUR efforts, we've not just made it to 5 years, but we've also made it to well over 2 million downloads--and climbing.



To celebrate this BIG anniversary, we are going BIG.


All month long, I will be giving away my favorite things to as many Progressors as I can. AND, at the end of the month, I'm doing something I've never done before: giving away lots of cash to one grand prize winner.




I've done my best to make this as easy as possible.


Details below!






All month long, I'm giving away some of my favorite things!!

And as many of them as I can.


Most of our gifts will be one of my FAVORITE THINGS. We will randomly pick from those who qualify, and that's easy to do.


Those Favorite Things Gifts will include one of the following:


  • About Progress Notebooks
  • "Work in Progress" Canvas Bags
  • Select offerings for our long-standing sponsors of the show (more details coming soon)
  • My "Amazon Favorites"
  • And more!


Here is how to qualify for my Favorite Things Gifts:




  1. Share the show
    1. PUBLICLY: hop on your social feeds and tell people to listen to About Progress and WHY! You can tell them about your favorite episode, or the one this week. ANY time you do this, please tag @aboutprogress and you're automatically submitted into the giveaway.
    2. and/or PRIVATELY: text/email/tell-in-person/post on private social anything about About Progress. Then email a screenshot or a description to [email protected] with the subject line, "Big 5 Giveaway."
  2. Leave ratings/reviews
    1. Apple Podcasts: Just leave them right in the app and you're automatically submitted to the giveaway.
    2. Other Podcasts: Leave your rating/review within your favorite app that is NOT Apple/iTunes. Take a screenshot and email it to [email protected] with the subject line, "Big 5 Giveaway."




Note: each of these tasks act as single submissions, so you can do them separately to qualify more than once for one of the favorite things gifts. And yes, you can share the show multiple times and each time is a submission! No limits!




Let's make this clear.


If you just want to AUTOMATICALLY QUALIFY for the Favorite Things:


Leave a review on Apple Podcasts this month. And/or share about the show on Instagram and tag @aboutprogress.





What about the "GRAND PRIZE" winner I mentioned above?? Here is where it gets extra exciting.


I am giving away $500 to one winner!

Yes, it's my own money:) That's how much I love you all.





Here's how you qualify for the Grand Prize. You must have:


  1. Shared the show on social media between 11/1 - 11/30/21 (please note, it MUST be within those dates)
  2. Subscribed to the podcast (retroactive is OK!)
  3. Left a rating/review on Apple Podcasts / iTunes (retroactive is OK, but it must be that particular podcast app as it is by far the most important one in the podcasting world! If you don't have it, leave a review on a friend's app or on iTunes on your computer.)


To officially submit yourself for the Grand Prize, complete those 3 requirements, take screenshots of each, and send allllll three screenshots in a single email to [email protected] with the subject line "BIG 5 Grand Prize."


Again, if these are sent separately, you won't qualify. If you're going for the BIG 5: one email with all three screenshots, subject line "BIG 5 Grand Prize."





How will you know if you've won??


The favorite things gifts will be announced all month-long, November 1-30th.


I'll announce the Grand Prize winner on December 1st, just in time for the mad rush of holiday shopping.


All winners will be contacted individually, but we'll also list them on this post. So, keep checking back here to see if you missed it!






I hope this Big 5 Giveaway makes you feel extra loved and supported by me. Thank you!






WINNERS!! (all chosen at-random, via random number generator)

Check back here regularly to see who has won. It might be you!




See your info below? Email Monica at [email protected] with the title, "I won the BIG-3!" with your full name and address.





See your info below? Email Monica at [email protected] with the title, "I won!" with your full name and address.