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300 Giveaway!!!!

blog Sep 29, 2020


Thank you so much for supporting About Progress!



Progressors! Something exciting is about to happen, and it's something that when I started the show I never imagined we'd make it this far:


300 episodes!!


I say "we," because I could not have grown the show without each and every listener who subscribes, listens, shares the show, and leaves reviews.


As we get closer to our 300th episode (which will also conveniently happen almost to the day of the show's 4th year anniversary), I want to do something extra fun:


A MAJOR RUN OF GIVEAWAYS leading up to our 300th episode.


33 gifts and prizes, to be exact.


I want to rain down in gifts and thank you's to this remarkable community. And I hope YOU can be a part of that. This will include 30 sweet gifts and 3 HUGE $300-value prizes we're calling the "BIG-3."


Details below!



Most of our gifts will be the perfectly-sized thank you gifts. We will randomly pick from those who qualify.


Those 30 gifts will include:


  • About Progress Notebooks
  • "Work in Progress" Canvas Bags
  • Select offerings for our long-standing sponsors of the show (more details coming soon)
  • One of my "Amazon Favorites"
  • One of my favorite items from Beautycounter


Here is how to qualify:




  1. Share the show
    1. PUBLICLY: hop on your social feeds and tell people to listen to About Progress and WHY! You can tell them about your favorite episode, or the one this week. ANY time you do this, please tag @aboutprogress and you're automatically submitted into the giveaway.
    2. and/or PRIVATELY: text/email/tell-in-person a friend/family member about About Progress. Then email a screenshot or a description to [email protected] with the subject line, "300 Giveaway."
  2. Subscribe
    1. Take a screenshot that shows you are subscribed and email it to [email protected] with the subject line, "300 Giveaway."
  3. Leave ratings/reviews
    1. Apple Podcasts: Just leave them right in the app and you're automatically submitted to the giveaway. If you left a review prior to October of 2020, please take a screenshot and email it to [email protected]
    2. Other Podcasts: Leave your rating/review within your favorite app that is NOT Apple/iTunes. Take a screenshot and email it to [email protected] with the subject line, "300 Giveaway."


And yes, in case this isn't clear: you can submit your subscription/rating/review/share retroactively. YESSSSSS! Just be sure to email screenshots with the right subject heading.


Each of these act as single submissions, so you can do them separately to qualify for one of the 30 random giveaway gifts.




What about the "BIG-3" I mentioned above?? Here is where it gets extra exciting.


The 3 BIG $300-value prizes will be extra special--and those are reserved for the Progressors who have met 3 big requirements:


  1. Shared the show on social media between 10/1 - 11/11/20 (please note, it MUST be within those dates)
  2. Subscribed to the podcast (retroactive is OK!)
  3. Left a rating/review on Apple Podcasts / iTunes (retroactive is OK, but it must be that particular podcast app as it is by far the most important one in the podcasting world! If you don't have it, leave a review on a friend's app or on iTunes on your computer.)


To qualify for the BIG-3 prizes, complete the BIG-3 required above, take screenshots of each, and send allllll three screenshots in a single email to [email protected] with the subject line "BIG-3."


Again, if these are sent separately, you won't qualify. If you're going for the BIG-3: one email with all three screenshots, subject line "BIG-3."



What's in the BIG-3 prizes?


  1. Fawn Design mini-tote bag
  2. Lifetime access to my "Organization Overhaul" course, valued at $157
  3. About Progress notebook collaboration with Becky Higgins, that are currently NOT for sale (they sold out in 4 minutes--but I stocked up beforehand!)
  4. "Work in Progress" canvas bag.
  5. Finding Mother God, new book of poems by Carol Lynn Pearson
  6. A favorite from Beautycounter.
  7. One year subscription to Magnolia Journal


All valued at, you guessed it, over $300.




Your deadline for any 30 gifts or the BIG-3 is Wednesday, November 11th at midnight.




Will I do this every year? Nope. I don't plan on doing a giveaway on this magnitude until the next 100th episode.


98% of these gifts come out of my own pocket--I love you that much. So, to be honest--I can only afford this kind of celebration every 100 epsiodes.


I hope this 300 Giveaway can help you feel extra loved by me, because you deserve it.



Want to know if you've won?


We will both post winners names/profile/handle names here AND email those who we have email addresses of:)


For the 30 gifts, we'll announce on a rolling basis. See below! (Big-3 will be announced mid-November.)




Questions? Put them in the comments! I can't wait to celebrate 300 episodes and 4 years of About Progress with you.



WINNERS!! (all chosen at-random, via random number generator)


BIG-3 Winners!!!!!


See your info below? Email Monica at [email protected] with the title, "I won the BIG-3!" with your full name and address.


  1. Amy Demke
  2. Tessa Nelson
  3. Julie Hatch


Winners of the 30 gifts:


See your info below? Email Monica at [email protected] with the title, "I won!" with your full name and address.




  1. Email address with "aimeespatrick" in it:)
  2. Email address with "marloodar" in it:)
  3. Email address with "emilygcannon" in it:)
  4. Email address with "k2gille" in it:)
  5. Email address with "emilybwallis" in it:)
  6. Email address with "megan.r" in it:)
  7. Email address with "thepiperlife" in it:)