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2017 Live List

Jan 31, 2017


I finally created my Live List for 2017!


I'm taking this idea from Kelly Jensen, who I'm sure most people have heard of.  A Live list is similar to a bucket list, but it's of more of a short-term basis and not goal-related, just living-your-life-with-joy-related.

I did something like this for my 30 Before 30 (which I finally updated for you).  I didn't cross everything off my list, but it was a nice way to get motivated to do fun things and actually LIVE my life.  I want to do another list, but instead of basing it off my birthday year, I'm going to do it based off the year.

2017 Live List!

1) Finish Online Courses: This was one of my goals for 30 Before 30, but I only finished one.  Time to do what I already paid for!  (For those who are curious, I've paid for photography, photoshop, sewing, and relationship classes.)

2) Take a Trip with Brad: We have plans to go to Texas!  Waco, too--for you Fixer Upper Fans!

3) Get Strong: I'm not allowed to run any more or do high impact exercise, but I can at least get strong.  Right?!  I'm doing more strength training/barre workouts than ever.  I want some guns!

4) Buy a Road Bike: I need to be outside and I LOVE biking (I can't say "cycling," because it sounds too pretentious).  My bike got broken last year (it was old though), so I'd love to get a legit road bike!  And I'd like to climb Mt. Diablo again, too!

5) 40 Dates with Brad: We've gotten started! 1- Manchester by the Sea; 2-

6) Read 40 Books: 1-Go Set a Watchman; 2-My Name is Lucy Barton; 3-Me Before You; (Started but didn't finish: 100 Years of Solitude; The Signature of All Things)

7) Create 3 Photo Books: I seriously need to do this.  No more excuses!  My family needs this done and I need a system, stat.

8) 10 Family Adventures: 1-Day in SF (pastries, steps, and slides); 2-Berkeley slides and thai food;

9) Go to Big Sur: This was on my last list and it didn't happen.  I really, really, really want to "go to there!"

10) Explore 3 New Places in CA: Related to the above, but I'd like to continue to explore new-to-us places where we live.

11) Go to the Temple Monthly: This might become more of an on-average thing.

12) Make 30 New Recipes: 1-Sausage Tortellini Soup; 2-Peanut Butter Cookies; 3-Enchilada Soup; 4-Lemon Tart (experimented with a recipe...);

13) Take a "Mom Day:" I did this for my 30th birthday and it was awesome!  Definitely doing this again.

14) Go on a Pastry Crawl: Two of my friends and I did this the past year and it was the best.  I'd love to eat more delicious pastries from SF!

15) Go On Five Girls Nights: I need my gals.  1-Cheesecake Factory!

16) Learn How to Watercolor: Another one on my last list.  I bought the supplies, so that's at least a start.

17) Make Another "Masterpiece:" This is related to the above, but with my acrylic paints and the canvases that Brad gave me for my birthday, the sweetie.  I did this while pregnant with Bean, and I'd like to give my artistic side another go!

18) Design a Master Bedroom: Our master bedroom is totally fine.  But I want to make it awesome! That'll likely include a new bed (and getting rid of our IKEA mattress!), and nightstands.

19) Complete 5 Home Projects: This is a giant "maybe" for some that I'd like to, like my bathroom.  But there are some smaller scale ones I know I can do, like a settee I'm in the process of fixing up and reupholstering.

20) Go on 20 Hikes: 1-Briones with Family;

21) Try 10 New Restaurants:

22) Go to the Beach 5 Times: We have some great local ones.

23) Learn how to French Braid: I stink at hair.  I'd like to help my daughter look a little less scary every day.  At least I've started brushing her hair!

24) See Ten Movies, in the Theatre: Brad and I love movies but rarely see them.  We've decided this needs to change.  Seen: 1-Manchestester By the Sea; 2-Hidden Figures;

25) Try Five New Ice Cream Places: I failed at this one miserably last year, and I want to do right by it.  Ice cream has feelings, too.

(I'll be making this a page here so you can see my progress this year!)